Monday, May 10, 2010

Alta Lake Family Vacation

Every year Nick's family takes a trip to Alta Lake in Eastern Washington. This was Lyla's first official camping trip. Here we are in our tent the first morning. Lyla was a champ and slept great in her pack-n-play in our cold tent. Here she is having a morning snack with Dad.

Dad's got sleepy eyes. This is his attempt at opening them up wider to look awake. :)

Saturday morning fishing. The fish were all EXTREMELY small this season. We eventually felt too bad for all the little babies we were catching and gave up fishing for the weekend.

Nick playing around with Emily's catch...the fish was still alive. Gross.

Lyla checks out one of Dad's fish.

View of the lake

Family Photo. Several more people showed up later...but here is most of the family.

Bella the Bulldog...she thinks she's one of the people. Here she having a seat at the picnic table.

Kisses for Mom

Exploring the lake

Tasting the rocks

Having a snack and saying goodbye. Here's Lyla smiling for the camera.

On the 3 1/2 hour drive home Lyla was a REALLY good sport. She took a nap and then ate lots of snacks and looked at books. No fussing though. What an angel!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, Em! Nick, the fish eating was sick.and.wrong!!! LOL
