Friday, July 2, 2010

Chicken Scratch!

I was chasing the chickens around the other day trying to put them in their coop when one of them frantically flew away from flew across the yard straight to the tallest thing to land on...Lyla! She was a trooper and and got over the fright quickly and didn't seem at all afraid of the chickens afterward. I must have said a million prayers of gratitude that her eye is okay. The chicken is lucky it's still got a nice roof over it's head!

Right after it happened:

The next morning:


  1. Poor Lyla! It doesn't look very deep in the photos (or is it?)--it doesn't look like it will scar. What a little trooper! It's so heartbreaking when your kids get hurt! Poor Em!

  2. Poor baby! Thank goodness it didn't get her eye! Make sure to put Neosporin on it and it will heal faster.
